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An easy-to-use PDO Database wrapper for PHP & MySQL


Maggsweb PDO

An easy-to-use PDO Database wrapper for PHP & MySQL

Table of Contents

Insert Records
Update Records
Delete Records


To use this class, set your database connection constants, download and include ‘MyPDO.php’ into your project and instantiate a database connection.

define('DBHOST', '');  //eg:
define('DBUSER', '');  //eg: root
define('DBNAME', '');  //eg: admin
define('DBPASS', '');  //eg: password

$db = new Maggsweb\MyPDO((DBHOST, DBUSER, DBNAME, DBPASS);


Run a query, any query..

To execute a string of SQL, pass the complete SQL string to ->query

$sql = "INSERT INTO `names` VALUES 
            (NULL, 'Joe',  'Bloggs'),
            (NULL, 'John', 'Bloggs'),
            (NULL, 'Jane', 'Bloggs');";


$result = $db->execute();

Call ->execute to execute the query. This returns true|false;

Run a query and return the results

To return the results from ->query for use call ->fetchAll() for multiple rows, ->fetchRow for a single row or ->fetchOne for a single value. Results are returned as an Array of Objects an Object or a value. Optionally, passing ‘Array’ to the fetch functions will return results as a Multi-dimensional Array.

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `names`";


$results = $db->fetchAll();           // Multiple rows, returned and an Object Array
$results = $db->fetchAll('Array');    // Multiple rows, returned as a multi-dimensional array

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `names` LIMIT 1";

$result  = $db->fetchRow();           // Single row, returned as an Object
$result  = $db->fetchRow('Array');    // Single row, returned as an Array

$sql = "SELECT name FROM `names` LIMIT 1";

$result  = $db->fetchOne();           // Single value, returned as a String

On success, $result will be an Object Array (fetchAll) or an Object (fetchRow) or a value (fetchOne)

On failure, call ->getError to display the SQL error message

Run a query using ‘bound’ params and return results

To bind parameters to a query, pass the column identifier and value to ->bind(). Repeat this for each bound parameter in order.

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `names` WHERE firstname = :firstname";


$db->bind(':firstname', 'Chris');

$results = $db->fetchAll(); 

// or

$results = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `names` WHERE firstname = :firstname")
              ->bind(':firstname', 'Chris')

Query Results

On failure, call ->getError to display the SQL error message

if ($results) {
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        echo $result->{$column};
} else {
    echo $db->getError();

Insert Records

Insert a record using ‘bind’ params

$table   = 'names';
$columns = ['firstname' => 'Fred', 'surname' => 'Bloggs'];

$result = $db->insert($table, $columns);

Insert Results

echo $result
    ? $db->numRows() . ' records affected'
    : $db->getError();

Last Insert ID

$id = $db->insertID();

Update Records

Update (all) records using ‘bind’ params

$table   = 'names';
$columns = ['firstname' => 'Fred', 'surname' => 'Bloggs'];

$result = $db->update($table, $columns);

Update records using ‘bind’ params and ‘where’ string

$table   = 'names';
$columns = ['firstname' => 'Fred 2', 'surname' => 'Bloggs 2';
$where   = "firstname = 'Fred' AND surname = 'Bloggs'";  //'WHERE' is not needed

$result = $db->update($table, $columns, $where);

Update specific records using ‘bind’ params and ‘where’

$table   = 'names';
$columns = ['firstname' => 'Fred 2', 'surname' => 'Bloggs 2'];
$where   = ['firstname' => 'Fred',   'surname' => 'Bloggs'];

$result = $db->update($table,$columns,$where);

Update Results

echo $result
    ? $db->numRows() . ' records affected'
    : $db->getError();

Delete Records

Delete records using a ‘where’ string

$table  = 'names';
$where  = "surname = 'Doe'";

$result = $db->delete($table, $where);

Delete records using a ‘where’ array

$table = 'names';
$where = ['surname' => 'Doe'];

$result = $db->delete($table, $where);

Delete Results

echo $result
    ? $db->numRows() . ' records affected'
    : $db->getError();